Future of Talent Institute's Blogs

Automation and the Future of the Recruitment Function

Automation and the Future of the Recruitment Function

Kevin Wheeler discusses, in his latest blog, the rise of automation and how it will replace many aspects of the recruitment process by 2020. Kevin also reviews the recruiting functions to be disrupted in leading organizations by Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) firms by 2025. Kevin discusses the roles of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analytics in these trends, and skills recruiters will use and adapt with in the future.

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Adam Cheyer on AI-vs-IA

Adam Cheyer on AI-vs-IA

Silicon Valley technology leader Adam Cheyer, who is known for co-inventing Siri among other innovations, offers an alternative view of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is gaining traction. He, along with other global leaders in AI are focused on something more than making machines smarter; they want to help people get smarter. This article explains the phenomenon of “I.A.” — Intelligence Augmentation — a hopeful direction for technology.

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From Manager to Leader

From Manager to Leader

If you know how to get stuff done and lead a project team it may not be enough for you to become, or be perceived, as a leader. Managers tend to be task focused, while leaders are human-centered focused requiring a different skills sets: emotional and intuitive intelligence, motivating others, and turning what others may see as conflict and hindrances into opportunities.

STEM professionals are highly educated, effective, motivated, and ambitious people, who work hard to achieve success, yet are frequently frustrated and stuck by what I call “the get it done” dilemma. Those who get it done are passed over or do not create new opportunities for themselves because they are not perceived as “strategic” or “people persons”. Read on to see how to rethink what it means for a manager to become a leader.

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Building the New Workforce Through Business and Community College Partnerships

Building the New Workforce Through Business and Community College Partnerships

Today’s recruiting trends (that include companies bringing back their outsourced manufacturing to the US) puts more pressure on sourcing. In this blog, Beth McCormick from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory argues that now is the time to focus on developing or expanding partnerships between companies and community college. These partnerships, given the time and resources, can become a significant source of quality candidates.

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Closing the Gender Gap One Story at a Time

Closing the Gender Gap One Story at a Time

Future of Talent co-founder and author Eileen Clegg discusses “the wicked problem of the gender gap.” She talks about the key drivers of women’s collective stature and impact in society that are being discovered by reviewing patterns found in the past 250 years of history. Eileen explains how these patterns lead us to new hypotheses about how we can work together to create the evolution toward equal pay, equal influence, equal power on the planet with links to additional resources.

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7 Ways We Created the Current Talent Shortage

7 Ways We Created the Current Talent Shortage

The popular belief that there is a significant shortage of qualified people is simply not true. That’s what Kevin argues in this post. He identifies and analyzes seven trends, debunking this erroneous belief and showing us how this false shortage was of our own doing.

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Can You See the Elephant in the Room?

Can You See the Elephant in the Room?

This week’s guest blogger, Chris Gootherts, Founder and President of International Talent Recruitment, postulates, “You have already declined the candidates that could have filled all your needs.” In this post, Chris uses his experience at Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon to explore causes of unfilled positions in tech, and builds his case for what recruiters need to do with the allegory of the elephant and the blind men.

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The Communication Divide: Think Digital, Not Generational

The Communication Divide: Think Digital, Not Generational

“I no longer saw four generations beholden to their stereotypes, but a communication divide that was digital, not generational.” Guest blogger Chris Kurtz, Founder and Principal Consultant at PeerThru, discusses this digital divide, his approaches to communication, and his action plan.

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To Innovate Or Not

To Innovate Or Not

“Talent Acquisition has a drastic need for increased innovation, education, and a general push for ideation. Unfortunately, it seems tactical execution and order taking is our natural disposition.” Guest blogger Marie Burns discusses the need for innovation and the trends that present opportunities for that innovation.

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The Perils of Predictive Analytics

The Perils of Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics enables us to anticipate human behavior with greater accuracy. We find predictive analytics used in our everyday lives and with that comes potential pitfalls and negatives. In this post, Kevin Wheeler discusses several core issues that we should be aware of in the wake of predictive analytics including privacy issues, commercialization, and human biases.

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